Productive Desk Set-Up

You love to feel productive and want to be more focused. Or you’re sick and tired of your messy desk. I got you!

This blog is about setting up your workspace to meet your lifestyle and flow without distractions.

Have you ever heard of the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind”? That phrase has been transformational in my organizational habits and minimalist lifestyle. It’s why I prioritize clear counters and desks. So yes, even if I temporarily throw things in a drawer or bin.

Creating mental space is essential for focusing.

The fewer things to look at, the fewer distractions I deal with. I know I can see from the corner of my eyes. “Oh no, I didn’t file that receipt!” So I stop what I’m doing and take a minute to file. We might think, “it’s just a minute”! However, it’s now 5 minutes to re-read my work and return to what I was doing.

Sometimes it can be up to 15 minutes or more!

Give it a try! Clear your desk. Grab a box or bin and put unnecessary things to the side. Then sit at your desk and take three deep breaths. Keep the things you need for your single task in front of you. Remember, we’re sitting first and noticing our new space.

We’re in our feeling of a clear desk.

I’m a huge fan of visualization. This is the placebo effect. We’re setting our mindset on the results, or “the cure.” Our minds are so powerful. And if you’re a reader of our blog, you know what I’m going to say next; grab a pen and paper. Write what you’re noticing and feeling.

“I feel lighter.”

Or “I feel good,” or “I feel like I can breathe for the first time!” What do you feel when you’re at a clear desk? And now, say it at 70% speed, meaning slower. Take your time expressing your feelings. And now, add a breath after each phrase or punctuation.

When we visualize, we open the door to opportunities. When we narrow our focus, we open the door to look inwardly. The fewer distractions, the less pointing fingers at others or situations. The more space we give ourselves, the more creativity to play with.

Open your mental space.

Maybe for you, it’s a window. It’s as if you’re letting fresh air come in. And speaking of air. Are you near a window? It’s winter as I write this blog, and I love the feeling of cracking a window when the heat has been cranking for a while. You deserve a fresh start—a reset.

I’m looking forward to the day my windows view mountains, trees, or water. My apartment in Orlando views a pond and a fountain, and there is a vast difference from my NY window that faces my neighbor’s house. We can get creative about the view that inspires us. And we can also bring nature to us.

This is where I bring my plant(s)

Or flowers for those who love more colors around them. Bring a piece of nature in and see what happens. So if you’re desk is in a closet, this is where we get to be more creative for your workspace. This is why again, clearing your desk gets to remind you of what brings you joy.

This is also where I bring a frame

I have several frames that I like to look at when I want to step back to think, brainstorm or reflect when I’m not near nature. Right now, I keep looking at my frame with a wooded pier facing a lake and mountains. Water and blue bring me joy. Have you noticed my YSuperstars brand colors?

Come up for air, my friend. I know that I can feel like drowning when I’m at a messy desk. Clear your space to ask yourself what you like to see and what brings you joy. This exercise can take a few runs. Clearing space is the beginning; making it a habit is my secret sauce.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

I ran a half marathon in Hawaii mainly for my visualization exercise. I ran on my treadmill daily, visualizing myself in the mountains, the cheering fans, and the crossing line. I did this exercise every morning, and at the same time to add momentum. I woke up to this short exercise for 15 minutes a day.

Begin with the End in Mind

My focus on the treadmill was more important than the miles my team trained for. I was building mental strength through a fun habit. Yes, I visualize myself running, looking at mountains, and giving highs 5’s at people. And my experience was just that and more! It was the beginning of a fun habit.

Looking at the end of the tunnel

Clear your desk now; it’s an exercise to practice the end in mind. It clears the distraction to keep you on task, even when you think you’re in the dark. I have intentionally not mentioned what to do with the items you put away in your drawer and bin because it’s about coming up for air and seeing where you’re going.

Where do you want to go?

Why do you want to be more productive and focused? Clear your desk, take three deep breaths, and ask yourself that question. And if you like magic, write it down. What area of your life requires your productivity and focus? Where are you going, my friend? Something tells me you’re committed to your journey and why you found this blog.

Nice to meet you, my friend!

I would love to hear/read what comes up for you during these exercises and why you want to be more productive. As always, please share your comments below and share this blog with a friend.




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