How to Simplify Your Errands Before Hosting

Simplify, and multiply! I heard this saying when I was part of an MLM business in the 90s. And it still holds today in many aspects of my life.

This blog is about simplifying your errands before hosting your next guests. And how it would multiply in gratitude and love.

Hosting is my jam, and if you're intrigued by the headline, I'm assuming you love it too and want to find ways to simplify it. In early 2006, I had a roommate who I admired for maintaining her bedroom very tidy. Keyword, "maintain." Yes, simplifying is a practice you get to do weekly, if not daily. I've decided to keep this blog under hosting instead of organization because the heart of hosting or being a guest in your travels is simplifying.

I am keeping it Simple and Light.

Cozy and welcoming hotels and Airbnb have understood the power of Simplicity to enhance your vacation. We want fewer distractions when we're on vacation or traveling to a new place. How often have you planned out and given your guests many choices to get overwhelmed? Earlier this year, I wrote a blog on The Power of Hospitality about how to be proactive with self-reflection and proactivity for your next guests. And today, I want to focus on maintaining Simplicity before, during, and after hosting.

KISS (Keeping It Sweet & Simple)

I apply basic foundational processes on the weekends that help me maintain a tidy home and be ready for my guests. That is, at any time, any place. (Shout out to Janet Jackson's song) My apartment complex is painting our buildings, and as much as I dislike the smell of paint, the result is a fresh look, clean, and pleasant to see buildings. And that is very similar to the outcome of a KISS system.

Operating Systems maintain Simplicity! 

Like any other industry, the hospitality industry relies on its operating systems. I remember back when I was working at the YMCA, thinking why I kept a super tidy desk, files, and spreadsheets; however, my house and personal finance were a hot mess. So shall we rob these systems and apply them to our lifestyles?

Pen and paper or stickies ready!

Businesses rely on their processes, systems, roles, skills, and structure. Today I want to focus on the processes or basic foundations I get to experiment with every week. The difference between a process and a system is that the process addresses effectiveness. And I want to ensure that the processes I take time doing every week work and save me time and stress.

Stay with me!

The process for me is putting some chores in my weekly Journer (Journal & Planner in one). I have a section in my Journer where I plan for next week. I break it down into four categories. I've done some trial and error and landed on the following: 1) Tidy-up, 2) Errands, 3) Admin, 4) Discuss. I'll like to share how they come together for me to be ready to host family and friends at any given time. 

The box for this section is small for a purpose. If I'm vacuuming, cleaning, and clearing countertops, throwing away garbage throughout my week in 15-minute segments, there is no need to set the weekend to clean for an hour. Check out 15 Minutes Matters for more details. So, the box for each category is small, so I can be specific on the task instead of being broad such as "Clean House," I bet you that I won't look forward to that activity because it sounds overwhelming!

I look for the small things that matter.

Let me break down my processes; they vary depending on the week and who may be coming up the pipeline. If I'm already proactive about scheduled guests, I know what to get in my groceries, like gluten-free bread or non-dairy things, dependent on their dietary needs or desires. For example, under "Errands," I would write "get Black Tea for Roni." That's my mother-in-law's favorite tea. So my next trip to Costco has me covered for all her upcoming visits for tea time.

I also use my phone for grocery lists.

However, I know that as a good host, you want to keep your upcoming guests encouraged by knowing what they like. And I also want to get excited and not drag a to-do list with "I have to go shopping!" Some guests can be demanding; choose your lane, and in this case, your category. My mom doesn't like to sleep in the dark, so I had some cool balcony lights and a candle run by battery for her. I also have it in my next Dollar Tree trip to get those plug-in lights. So under "Errands," I write "get lights for mom."

"Get" shifts my mindset to an opportunity to encourage!

Now that I am more settled in my new city, Orlando, I have found a couple of towns with Farmer's Markets for more unique items. Walking outside is often more fun than in a cold Costco. I also love the presentation from some vendors; I know I'm supporting folks who care about their products, and I get to share them with my guests. I see this weekend; I get to write:

 "Explore Farmer's Market at Winter Park."

Let's move into my "Tidy-up" section. One item I currently have is "Create Basket for Cipis." We are now in a one-bedroom apartment, and my family is coming next week and will be sleeping on the sofa bed and air mattress. So I got a cute basket where I want to put their sheets and towels. The other item is "Make Space in Closet." We only have two closets, so I get to shift some stuff around to make space for their luggage. Notice I am avoiding being broad like "Make a to-do list for Cipis"

I'm bringing attention to the details.

I got excited about the basket with the towels rolled up for them next to the sofa. Again, the more you host, the more prepared you are for your next guests. And guess what! You're going to forget something! The fun is in how it gets to benefit your next guests. Hence the growth "process." Take this section as an exploration. Every family is different! I see this practice as planting seeds.

Next is "Discuss" if you're anything like me, I love talking, but my husband, not so much. So whenever I get a "genius idea" or upcoming plan, I write it in this section for our weekly budget meeting or when we're on a nice walk. So for this weekend, I wrote: "Disney Reels with the Cipis!" Jimmy sends me 5 TikTok videos daily, and I often tell him, let's be creators, not consumers!! Okay, okay, sometimes I get passionate about how I express myself. Again, in this example, I'm avoiding "Plan for the Cipis visit." That can be overwhelming!

And Jimmy will avoid me all week!

I'm still transitioning from creating elaborate VLOGGING Youtube ideas into sweet and short Reels, Shorts, or TikToks. Again, our language, our words, and being specific helps the imagery I set for myself. This is a process where you learn from your progress, and it will take some time to be more specific in your language. Embrace this new journey.

 Avoid perfection, and set your mind on progress.

We get to choose our focus and attention. I hope these examples are helping so far. And now for the last section, because it's the one I need more help in, "Admin." In my category, this is electronic administration. I'm on social media often, so keeping my phone, iPad, and iMac's storage is crucial. I post daily on Instagram, and I'm moving into the short-term video format slowly. So clearing space in advance is vital. This week I have "Make space for Streamyard storage." Back in the day, you bought a roll for your camera; yes, I'm from the 90s, and I'm 46 years young. 

"Young" was a wordplay for you right there to shift your focus.

So back to Processes - the storage situation in my devices led to my decision in my last purchase, my iPhone. And Apple has seen the need for new iPhones to come with a minimum (not maximum) of 64 gigabytes. It goes to show how making mistakes helps us move forward. The same goes for processes! This is why it takes time. However, ultimately, you make smarter choices for your lifestyle to be simpler than all these "shoulds "and "have to's." Instead, you look at your week with the things/events you look forward to.

I get to create moments for my niece and nephew in the cloud forever!

Vacation starts the day before I enter the airport or my destination, and anticipation keeps me grateful. Have you noticed how happy you are before a vacation, holiday, or break? And also how depressed you can get on your way back from vacation. And for some of us, on Sunday afternoons, before the Monday - Friday grind?? The most significant influence on my proactivity in simplifying is what I write and tell myself to do. If you're new to the blog, language is crucial. So I am careful about what I write in my Journer, and what I tell myself. 

Language influences the way we feel and the images we create.

For better or for worst, my friend. I am choosing to stay focused on what I look forward to the week before with language that keeps me grateful for the opportunity I get with my hospitality. 

If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments below or DM me. I'm here for you. As always, if you liked this blog, share it with a friend and on social media #ysuperstarsblog




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