Finding Joy - Pt. 2
In part 1, we started exploring finding joy by taking a short walk and/or detour nearby your home. Today’s invitation is at your home!
This blog is part 2 of a 3-part series on the exploration and adventure of Finding Joy. This exploration is a hands-on application to our quest for daily joy.
Last week I wrote about Heaven on Earth in Your Home, and it inspired today's blog for doing some exploration with pen and paper.
I attended a friend's online group about grounding almost a year ago. Her mentor encouraged her to find a place for her garden by asking the ground for the answer. I instantly had a surge of emotions and energy coming through that brought me to tears.
Asking is a vulnerable act.
For a person like me, who likes to be in control and can be confident about her goals, asking a physical place like my backyard’s ground and house was by far strange. I often would dismiss this advice, put in "God," and turn it into a prayer. That practice of dismissing new advice has been a missed opportunity to experience God's blessing through the earth for me. There is magic in touching God's blessings.
When I was about 8 or 9 (this period in time has come up in the blog lately), I used to sit in the grass in the park across from my home. I would dig a hole, gather different colored flowers, sticks, rocks, and pretend I was a chef making a delicious salad. My mom's lettuce, tomato, and cucumbers were the only salad I knew back then. However, I was inspired by the famous Peruvian dish called "Ceviche Mixto" which had many colors and sparked all my taste buds.
This memory is vivid.
I would also like to climb this particular tree. It was short and full of branches that led to the heavens for me. I had a different branch to sit in every time I had the chance to go to the park alone. This idea of pretending I'm a chef came from when I was sitting at one of the branches. I jumped down! I was excited to collect the items; and the best part was to feel them in my hands. For some strange reason, I remember wearing jeans and colorful sneakers, and I was notorious for not matching - I blame the early 80s!
A blast item from the past! Both in my story and this View-Master above. I love how vivid memories CAN come back to us when we're in the habit of writing and reflecting. So as mentioned earlier, for today's blog, we're going to write some things down.
Awww, Patty! I hate writing!
I know that pen can feel heavy, and if my story paints the picture for you, I want to share how to tap into your magic. You can certainly read this through and then return to it when you're alone with a pen and paper. The first thing is to find your favorite room/place in your home, and this place can be indoor or outdoor.
Once you are there, take a deep breath in and out.
Take a sit on a chair or the floor/ground. Whatever is comfortable. I know it helps when I create a small basket for my Quiet Time gear and grab it and go to my place. Which right now is my sister's kitchen table.
Sit and take three breaths.
Wow, you're doing it. You're taking time for yourself and making space for your soul. Good job, my friend. If you need assistance with your breaths, below is a video from my friend Kristin at Language Ninjas. She made a two-minute video. And if you enjoy it, please give it a like.
Those yummy breaths are free, and you can do them anywhere. Now that you have found a place and got your three deep breaths with Kristin, it's time to take out your journal and pen for the following prompt questions.
Where did you like playing alone as a child?
What kind of stories did you make up as a child?
What was your favorite game to play?
Pick a question that brought up an emotion (good or bad). Now read your response. Take yourself to that memory, get some details in it. What did you smell, what were you wearing, etc.?
Now read out loud the same answer at 70% speed, meaning slower. Notice your feelings; they are our guides. Reread it; now, this time, add a breath at the end.
The beauty of tapping into our precious memories. What did you notice? What memories came up? I want to know in the comments below. Like most amazing things in life, it takes practice. And it starts at home, your mindset. The exercise above is finding joy. You have taken time to find a place you love, took some yummy breaths, and wrote memories down on a tree product, paper!
Give yourself a round of applause. Go ahead and take a bow too
Ready for part 3, click here. Please share your findings in the comments below and share this blog with a friend. Did you like Kristin's video? It's her birthday today if you're reading this in October.