Heaven on Earth in your home

It's been more than two years since rediscovering the meaning of "Heaven and Earth" in the Bible. And without geeking out, I want to share how I approach life these days as I shift into my present.

This blog is about maintaining gratitude for today, right now, and around you, particularly in your very own home. Let's open some curtains and windows to be more content in your space, now.

"Wherever you are, there you will be." That phrase has served me as a compass to get back to my responsibility when I want to blame others, especially my husband. I wrote about Living in my Office a few blogs away, and guess what? I'm still living in my Office. Thirty days plus three weeks.

I am here

The bed turned back into a sofa, and my puppy tucked in under the desk, ensuring my feet are warm. Yes, because daddy likes the apartment cold. Jimmy is showering, and I can hear my diffuser play some relaxing music while defusing Frankincense essential oil.

Today, my place is mine now.

Mine now is grey, and it's grey because our living situation is currently uncertain and unclear. The moving parts are still pending, and by tomorrow or today before 5 pm, I will find out if we got accepted for a community I fell in love with.

Waiting is becoming a norm

How did I forget about waiting? My mom taught me from a young age to always ask a manager if I'm dissatisfied with a product or a service. In many ways, this has helped me to be more confident and active. And in other ways, it has also led to impatient and demanding behaviors. And to be more precise, I mean demanding and putting pressure on myself.

“I gotta get an answer NOW”

It's the "all-in" attitude, which sometimes I do love about myself. And at the same time, I understand to live in the grey, in the uncertain. Because when I approach it with curiosity, it becomes more adventurous.

And it's helpful to have a map when embarking on a journey!

So I often like to know where I'm at first, and I am where I start. My dog, Poppy, just moved, made my feet her pillow, and took a deep breath. What a sweet reminder as I write to you. Poppy, my dog, constantly reminds me that I am her home. Wherever we travel, she finds a way to be near me, lean, and take deep breaths of "I'm home."

And this is the reminder and main point of this blog: Organizing can be a method to find more peace. Peace starts within. I find it difficult to Konmari without reflecting first.

Close your eyes for a moment. Take a deep breath and answer the following questions:

Where are you now? Physically. 

What is going on around you? 

Who's with you? 

What can you smell? 

What can you feel?

The questions above are your starting points. Maybe you don't have a home, and you're living in your Office like me, or with a relative, in a shelter, with a friend. You're now is simply your starting point from wherever you are.

Your heaven on Earth, it's simply you wherever you are NOW. You, my friend, are indispensable and irreplaceable on this Earth, and you have a UNIQUE contribution to humanity. Let's start a movement now. Yes, even if it sucks. Embrace the suck, as Brene Brown likes to say.

Today is your starting point. Today, right now, it's your beginning. Your home is you. You. Wherever you are in life.

You are home.

You have several rooms and views from your house. Where would you stand today as you write about your now? Your present as you celebrate you. Simply You. That’s minimalism in my point of view.

Please drop a comment if you have been reading my blogs so far. I'll love to hear from you. And I want this to be our blog, our space, our nook for living life to the full.

Love always



Finding Joy - Pt. 2


Finding our Joy - Pt. 1