Self-Care is Self-Responsibility

What is self care?

Self-care is the discipline of taking care of one's soul first, in order to give to others.

What does the flight attendant share as emergency protocol before take off? Put the mask on you first, then your child.

In an emergency, your life matters in order to help a child in need. Can the child in need put on a mask without you? Children do what we do, more than what we say. Let us consider the importance of our nurturing first, in order to give fully to others.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.
— Mahatma Gandhi

I’m sure the quote above sounds cliche, and there is a reason why is overused, God/the Universe wants us to be responsible for ourselves first.

Why is self care important?

Simply, because you matter.

Your contribution to humanity is unique, your gifts/strengths play an important role.

Instead of ruminating about the busyness of life, consider the following questions about the people you want to have time for.

Grab your favorite pen and journal.

What do you want your loved ones to say about you at the end of the road?

How do you want to be remembered?

What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

I hope the journal prompt questions above gave some clarity and motivation to take the time to nourish an important asset your loved ones have: you.

In conclusion, self-care is our responsibility, alone. At YSuperstars and our YouTube Channel, we believe that the best way of youth development, is by us, the adults, living our lives to our God-given potential, and our strengths.

Imagine your world with the time for what matters the most (you), and the energy to spend it with your loved ones.

I’ll love to hear from you in the comments below. What question above gave you great insight? What came up for you?




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