Inside the Journer

This is your section to learn more about the Journer as you set a Season of Reflection

You can also book a complimentary 15 minute session where you get to ask any questions about your Journer that are tailored to your current situation.

Daily Journer

Your Journer opens your day with a reminder of your why (Season Outcome, Values & Boundaries) and it helps you to prioritize by selecting your top 3:

  • Rocks: Your most important task/event of the day

  • Sand: Regular tasks from admin, errands, and responsibilities

  • Water: Things/activities/people you look forward to

Your daily Pages ends with “Struggles & Solutions” which keeps you focus on what you can control, you. It also guides your attention to your accomplishments, wins, and gratitude. Lastly, you get to finish with an affirmation (who you are, what you’re currently discovering).

Weekender Journer

This is your 2-day outlook to reflect on your week, and focus on what’s to come next week.

Kick-off your weekend with the Rocks that liberate you and add spark to your life. And finish your week strong by selecting your week’s TOP accomplishments and gratitude.

Finish your weekend with more spark to your life (it’s your day off!), and prepare next week’s Sand (daily tasks, responsibilities) into categories which help minimize your daily to-do lists.

Lastly, forecast your gratitude and excitement for the connections (with people or your craft) that contribute to humanity.

Week at a Glance

Your Week at glance is designed by your personal and professional schedule. You get to fill-in your times and dates.

This is a great view of your hard appointments, new events and permanent activities that happen every week, like soccer practice, Sunday service, client appointments, etc.

The intention is to forecast your travel and planning, therefore, helping you to create boundaries from other people’s agendas. This is getting to be more realistic with your time and energy.

Monthly Reflections

You get to review your accomplishments and wins as statements of pride in your process/progress. You get to reflect on what events, conversations, activities actually brought excitement back in your life.

You get to reflect on ideas from your daily brainstorming and the lessons you turned into wisdom from your “Struggles & Solutions.”

Lastly, you get to set intention for the next month in a way that is gentle, and a reminder of your personal contribution to the world.

Month at a Glance

This is at a glance view of all the New Things/Activities that align with your Season Outcome as well as all the connections you’re making this month. This could be with people or with your craft/business.


  • Days that you’re taking 15 minutes a day for a solo walk

  • Days that you’re investing on 1-on-1 coaching/instruction

  • Days that you’re exploring a new book/podcast/documentary

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Productivity Series

Watch videos explaining the Benefits of working in Season, monthly, weekly, and daily reflections and intentions.