1-on 1 Coaching

Has fear or embarrassment stopped you from sharing stories that keep playing like an old record? I can hold space for you and help you to release them.

Do you want the freedom you get from self-compassion? I can show you a method that creates mental space for yourself.

I’m here with open arms and space for you. Schedule a free 30-minute Zoom session with me to identify some of the stories holding you back.

It’s time to


I should change my habits

〰️ or 〰️

I get to upgrade my habits

〰️ or 〰️

I should change my habits 〰️ or 〰️ I get to upgrade my habits 〰️ or 〰️

Most high achievers

like you and I are in a constant battle in our minds “Do I really have what it takes?,” “Am I good enough?” or “Am I really making an impact!“

These thoughts can lead us into the rabbit hole of self-doubt, indecision, and lack of self-compassion

In the end, these moms, entrepreneurs, and leaders, stand even stronger in their purpose and burnout.

And what if you could end this cycle, and instead lower the volume of your inner chatter, and raise mental clarity?

Reinforce mental clarity with our pen-to-paper self-reflection processes included in our sessions.

With my guidance, support, and accountability, you get to discover how to…

  • Break through old patterns that are keeping you stuck

  • Become more self confidence and less self conscious

  • Be more compassionate with yourself and others

Gain insights and tools to bring back your energy and transform your lifestyle.

All you need is your laptop or typewriter and investment in yourself.

Clarity comes before Focus.

Being more Clear helps you to…

Be more present in the now instead of stuck in the future or in the past. And being more present can prompt action and alignment from your intuition.

your visions

your dreams

your frustrations

your plan

1:1 Coaching Investment

  • These are four 60 to 90-minute sessions over Zoom within a month.

  • These are eight 60 to 90-minute sessions over Zoom within two months.

  • These are twelve 60 to 90-minute sessions over Zoom within three months.

All packages include 15-minute Pow Wows sessions and unlimited emails during your journey.

  • Patty is a patient listener who asks carefully cultivated questions. She is able to hear the “thread” that needs to be pulled on, the “layer” that needs to be uncovered. In a language session with her, I learned that the words I spoke revealed some deep-seated beliefs in my heart. These beliefs affected how I interacted with others and what I thought about myself.

    Homeschool Mom

  • During my session with Patty, I was able to self-reflect and even notice that I was conflicted with part of what I was saying. Just talking about the language or reading phrases I had written out loud, led me to realize that certain words did not match up with what I was thinking. The best part of the session is that it was natural, not pressured or heavy.  Patty was a guide, a facilitator.


  • Patty is teaching me how to become aware of subconscious messaging in my deepest thoughts that were sabotaging my progress in making healthier choices, not only in my nutrition, but day to day tasks. She is a passionate soul who inspires me I’m worthy of living life to the full. My sessions with her are uniquely triangular: She is a phenomenal listener which allows her to be a life teacher that is also an equally committed student of me. As a result, I have left my sessions more equipped to address my goals from the inside then out.


  • Goal setting with Patty Zito was not only an eye opener, but it also helped me gain clarity and insight into my professional short term goal. With Patty giving me cues, asking questions and encouraging me, I was able to formulate a plan that I feel confident in achieving the goal I have set for myself.

    Personal Fitness Trainer

Interact with me through our pen-to-paper process with a Free Audio Mini-course


This is an invitation to my style of guidance, support and accountability

  • We can meet anywhere in Central Florida!

  • Click here for a discovery call on Zoom

  • Patricia.Zito@ysuperstars.com

 Contact me.