Upgrading my Life by Downsizing
So I’ve moved more than 20 times in my life; 2 countries, 3 states, and more than 15 neighborhoods in the USA. Moving can be difficult and I have also found that it creates new opportunities to reassess and ask myself better questions about what I want my lifestyle and home to feel like.
Website picture of a Tiny Home
I have been following the Tiny Home, Van Life, and Skoolie Communities for a while now and what I love the most is the SPACE it gives you mentally. It becomes more about what you love and use. Passionate and Practical Living for sure!
During all my moves, I started to notice how frustrating it was to pack and unpack items I haven’t used in months/years. Clothes, books, decorations that “ONE DAY” I’ll use. This feeling of “goal items” influenced a dissatisfaction with the present moment. So something had to change.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.”
About 6 years ago Jimmy and I made a decision to move back to his childhood home to save money, travel, and venture into my company, YSuperstars. I may also like to add that a few years before that decision, Superstorm Sandy hit NYC and our basement got flooded. And guess what? That’s where most of my "One Day” items lived.
Downsizing has been a blessing in the sense of less mental real estate to clean, store, and move unused items we feel “obligated” to keep. The decision we made a few years ago landed in asking ourselves better questions. What do we use, and what do we love and bring us joy? Yep, Mari Kondo influenced me.
I see life as choices I get to live with. It helps me to be true to my desires and curiosity. Living in our current place was a decision on what we wanted at that time of our lives, a private office for my clients (saving on commercial renting), and space to host family events in our backyard. We much rather eat outdoors and gather around the fire during sunsets and evenings.
And what I find most interesting is that we get to reassess and reflect on questions according to our “Season in Life.” Change, death, and taxes are guaranteed in my book, so I get to be proactive about my responsibility to focus on what I can change - me.
I’m learning more and more about how society and its narrative lead to consumption rather than creation. I want to create more memories with my loved ones with fewer items to worry about.
So I ask you, what are some things you can downsize for what matter the most to you? What are some of your desired upgrades?
What relationships can use more water, and light?
What dreams can use a date so they’re no longer wishes?
And what parts of you long for your nurturing and attention?
As always, share this blog with a friend, and let me know your thoughts in the comment box below. Do you want more content on organization and minimalism?